Ritualist in Ogun State Politics!

By Yinka Adeyemi(email: oluyinkaadeyemi@gmail.com)

Well, it is clear right from the start that Nigerian politics is a Do or Die affair. from this nonsense, it is obvious that many of our political leaders will even, or have even gone to extreme lengths like human sacrifice. of course, we know this is happening, just to stay in or get to power (and the accompanying free for all looting.

I am yet to come across anybody praising Wale Alausa for this oath taking. None. I have posted several opinions since the news broke out and my position is that Wale is a compound fool. He will live to regret his actions. He was foolish to have allowed himself to be so used. He is an adult. A man. Husband, I assume, to a wife and father to his children.

He is a disgrace to the Ijebus and Nigeria as a whole. I am ashamed of his conduct. I felt scandalized. So, Wale is not guilt free at all.

I cannot support Wale on this despicable act. Never. Wale must be a fool. I reserve my comment on Alhaji Alausa and Awujale as I have expressed my opinion elsewhere which I will hold for some reason beyond the scope of this forum.

Wale will have to carry his cross for as long as he is alive. I am aware OGD will address a press conference on this issue. Maybe he should shelve the idea as I can almost predict the release will be a replica of what is aides have been saying.

What they have not addressed which is not strange is the role of OGD in this shameless event. Who took Wale’s photo? Was it to Wale’s knowledge and approval?

Can they sincerely tell us what role OGD played or did not play in this event? This is not Wale's event. It is OGD/Wale's event? Has Awujale denied Wale’s claim? Has Alhaji Agboola denied? What about the comment by Egbetokun that 22 members took oath with OGD? Who is the principal actor?.

This is not about being objective or being subjective. So, to expect OGD’s aides to be objective is to expect OGD to admit that he is involved!! Nigerians are waiting for him to deny it but opinion has been formed already and it may just be too late. This is not just about Wale Alausa. It is about the citizens of Ogun State who are civil, decent, and tolerant and hardworking but who are being led by a band of thugs in the PDP where OGD is the chief promoter. What a shame!

And now, the very good people of Yewa are still being made to believe that without OGD, their son or daughter cannot govern Ogun in 2011. To hold on to this willy nilly is to be prepared to visit the shrine of the chief ABORE of Ogun state where fathers will be compelled by the paramount rulers of Yewa to commit their sons/daughters to eternal damnation under OGD.

This is not about being subjective. Humans are not created to be objective. Objectivity is learned. We are all conditioned by events, environment, experience and background among others. It is about salvaging our dear state from a power drunk maniac desperate to consign the destiny of millions into eternal darkness on the altar of ego and ambition. We have had other people govern Ogun before and not once, did we have this shameless encounter under any administration. We had Aiyekoto from Ijebu, we had Osoba from Egba, they both had their failings as human beings, but neither Aiyekoto nor Osoba turned our state into a big shrine. And yet, these men were traditional chiefs.

Oba ti o je ti ilu toro, oruko e ko ni pare, Oba ti o je ti ilu tuka oruko e ko ni pare.

To me, I think at this juncture we should not be sentimental on the issue of OATH taking in Ogun Politics. In as much everybody knows our politicians have become nothing but a hand tool of devil. we should not be attaching sentiment to this matter. please dont let us presume in this story, let's get to the root of the matter. every good information that will elaborate this misdenamour are welcome from great minds outside there.

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